No more lugging back-breaking bags of heavy compost. This ingenious coir block just add water to make the equivalent of a 10 litre bag of peat-free compost, and it is ready to use in 10 minutes! incredicoir makes peat-free gardening easy as a by-product of the coconut industry, it is and more environmentally friendly than peat moss as it is sustainably sourced. With excellent water retention and superb drainage and it is pH neutral. The compact blocks are lightweight and easily stacked taking far less space than a conventional bag of compost. How to mix in your incredicoir Open the plastic bag and stand it upright in a bucket of water, add 4 litres of water and let it soak for 10 minutes, the coir block will absorb the water and gradually start to expand. If needed add up to a further 1 litre of water to soften the block. After the 10 minutes break up the coir by hand to create a fine consistency.