Somatoline Anti-Cellulite Creative Gel 250ml


Somatoline's cryoactive anticellulite contains 5% Caffeine, Maca Extract, Physalis angulata and other specific cosmetic active ingredients to combat cellulite, which: • They help to mitigate the typical tissue disorders affected by cellulite. • They prevent the development of adipocytes through an "anti-relapse" action by slowing down fat storage. • They favor the physiological elimination of excess skin fluids. Results of its use: • Reduces the appearance of the fatty nodules of cellulite. • Softens the skin (evaluation of the improvement of the appearance of the skin). Somatoline anti-cellulite cryoactive gel is indicated for:• Women with cellulite on the thighs, even the most rebellious. • Women looking for a highly effective anti-cellulite treatment with a fresh effect on their skin. How to use: Apply once a day for 15 days a dose of product on the area to be treated, facilitating its absorption by light circular massages, exerting upward pressure. To improve the obtained result, its continued use for 4 weeks is recommended.Shop Online Somatoline Anti-Cellulite Creative Gel 250ml at best price. Product features: - Body: Anti-cellulite, Firming Creams- Skin Type: All Skin Types