Callicarpa bodinieri var. giraldii 'Profusion'


Callicarpa bodinieri var. giraldii 'Profusion' provides its autumn color because of its eye-catching purple berries. Callicarpa is a popular choice for garden autumn color. You can cut some stems to display in vases indoors as well. This is a tall shrub that can fill in a gap in your flower or shrub border. Your plants will be covered in long leaves during the summer, followed by panicles of small lilac blooms. In the autumn, the foliage turns rosy-red, followed by the main event: glorious clusters of 4mm purple berries! Your summer flowering plants might have faded. However, that doesn't mean you have to accept a boring garden! Height: 3m (10'). Spread: 2.5m (8').