Multilevel Cooking. Cook more at the same timeWith Multilevel Cooking the additional heating ring ensures your dishes are perfectly cooked even when loaded with two trays at the same time. The Radiant Hob. Fast and efficientThe Radiant Hob is fast and easy-to-clean with ceramic zones that heat quickly and accurately for fuss-free cooking. XXL Capacity. More room. Better visibilityThis advanced oven has a generous XXL Capacity cavity and full glass door for outstanding visibility. A natural clean with steamCleaning after cooking needn't be a chore. Humidity inside the oven creates steam to loosen otherwise stubborn grease and residue left on its surfaces. So you can achieve a natural clean effortlessly. The oven that's easier and more convenient to clean!The moveable shelf supports make it easier than ever to give your oven a thorough clean even in those tricky corners in less time and with less effort. Key Features . Multilevel Cooking. Cook more at the same timeThe Radiant Hob. Fast and efficientXXL Capacity. More room. Better visibilityA natural clean with steamThe oven that's easier and more convenient to clean. .