Athyrium filix-femina


Commonly known as 'Lady Fern', Athyrium filix-femina is an award-winning deciduous fern native to the UK, with a much more refined appearance than the common 'Male Fern'. New green fronds unfurl into lacy, ladder-like leaves which are held elegantly in horizontal tiers. Athyrium filix-femina thrives in acid soil but will happily grow in a range of conditions in damp, shaded areas. This Dainty Lady Fern makes superb ground cover in woodland borders, when planted in bold drifts. Its dainty yellow-green foliage is an ideal choice for creating eye-catching colour and texture contrasts. Plant this hardy perennial alongside Hostas, Brunnera, Carex or Hakonechloa. Height and spread: 60cm (24in)