Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Variegatum'


Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Variegatum' produces grey-green, cream margined foliage that is evergreen, giving all year-round interest in gardens. Feels light and airy, making a refreshing change from typically dense and dark evergreens. Foliage is well-branched, being joined by cute red-brown blooms in late spring. Naturally forms a bushy and oval shape, it is elegant, classy and makes a great specimen tree in borders. Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Variegatum' appreciates some shelter and occasional clipping to keep it tidy and in check. Thrives in coastal areas, tolerating salt wind, this shrub works well as hedging or windbreaking. Height: 4m (13?). Spread: 2m (6?,5).