Hot and cold water at any location is now an affordable reality. The Eberspacher Miniwash is undoubtedly the most compact, easy to install and technologically advanced mobile handwash unit available. Features include fully automatic versions of both Handiwash and Miniwash, making installation even easier. For anyone whose work brings them into contact with hazardous substances or unhygienic conditions it should be considered a necessity. Eberspacher Miniwash Units can assist you in meeting occupational health and safety requirements. Low power, heavy duty heater element using high corrosion resistant materials State of the art electronics, the heater element thermostatically controls water temperature to 49°C. The system is also protected by a thermal overload safety device. Miniwash is ideal for small van applications and features a three way port drain Unit can be easily mounted to any vertical surface Both 12 volt & 24 volt systems Mobile Miniwash for mobile people