This product cannot be ordered and has been replaced by the latest version Eberspacher Easy Scan (please click here) Eberspacher EDiTH basic diagnostic test unit The kit includes; Heater to PC interface unitSerial adaptor cableUSB adaptor cable Supported operating systemsWindows 98; Windows NT; Windows Me; Windows 2000; Windows XP; Windows Vista; Windows 7 Functions TestingRead out errors from the control boxPerform diagnosis on installed heaterSwitch on heater directly at the PCVisual functional sequenceDisplay operating status and measured valuesDetect the heater‘s fitness for altitudesDisplay heater dataHelp functionSoftware in several languages Please note: Edith test unit does not operate with Original equipment manufacturers control units. Suitable for the following Eberspächer heaters D1L C D1L C Compact B1L C Compact D3L C D3L C Compact B3L C Compact D3L P D5L C D8L C Airtronic D2 Airtronic D4 Airtronic D4S Airtronic D5 Hydronic D3W Hydronic D4W Hydronic D5W Hydronic M Hydronic M-II Hydronic L Hydronic L-II Please note;The test unit will also require specific test cables please see our related products