Rocco Mealtime Economy Pack 2 x 12kg - Adult Tripe


Rocco Mealtime dry dog food at a glance: Grain-free recipe - easy to digest, with potatoes as main source of carbohydrates Complete dry food 70% meat ingredients for a balanced protein / fat ratio and an ideal supply of animal protein High meat content for a hearty, delicious taste, very well-accepted With fish oil: rich in omega 3 fatty acids which are important for a balanced diet, they encourage vitality, a shiny coat and good skin metabolism Green-lipped mussel extract - rich in chondroitin and glucosamine, both help to support joints and maintain joint cartilage Balanced and holistic - for an optimum nutrient profile Rocco Mealtime is a delicious, meaty dry dog food, made with lots of fresh meat and offal. Meat-loving dogs have been enjoying Rocco wet dog food for more than 10 years. If your dog prefers dry dog food it will love this flavoursome, meaty meal. The meat-rich kibble is made with at least 70% selected meat and animal ingredients. It is completely grain-free. High-quality meat and offal are gently prepared so that the nutrients and strong meaty taste are retained, much to the delight of your dog. The grain-free recipe with at least 70% meat ingredients contains only carefully selected ingredients. Fresh meat and vegetables are combined in such a way that the rich flavour and good digestibility are guaranteed. Rocco Mealtime is rich in meat ingredients which are a great source of valuable animal protein. This grain-free kibble is very accepted and suitable for dogs with grain sensitivities. Instead of grain Rocco Mealtime is made with easy-to-digest potatoes and tasty vegetables as a source of carbohydrates. Fish oil helps to support a supple skin and a shiny coat. Green-lipped mussel extract helps to support healthy joints. Rocco Mealtime dry food is the hearty, meaty meal for meat-loving dogs.