uSOTA-ATU USDX HF QRP SDR Transceiver Built-in ATU-100 Antenna Tuner with Dual OLED Displays 8 Bands Design Support PC Software Control


Features: Compact Size: It is compact in size, lightweight, portable and easy to use. 8 Bands Design: 3.5MHz; 5.3MHz; 7MHz; 10MHz; 14MHz; 18MHz; 21MHz; 29MHz. Emission Efficiency: higher than 85% ( 3.5MHz; 5.3MHz; 7MHz; 10MHz; 14MHz); higher than 80% (18MHz and 21MHz); For 29MHz, it's over 70%. PC Connection: Connected to a PC, using the FT8, JS8, FT4 and other digital mode software controls, supports CW automatic decoding. Free Upgrade: It can reach 3-5W power in 8 bands and can freely upgrade the PA module (TO-220). Stable Performance: High precise TCXO for KDS, with frequency accuracy better than 1PPM and frequency stability better than 0.5PPM. Independent Design: Independent main board, radio frequency PA board, and ATU board to avoids its own signal interference. Selected Parts: All LPF parts use 100V C0G/NP0 capacitors, or use a LM4562 or LM833 or LT6231 op amp chip. Rich Interfaces: There are HEADPHONE, PTT OUT, MIC/PTT, SPK/MIC BNC antenna interfaces (with BCN-SL16 adapter, easy matching antenna).