Barking Heads All Hounder Fuss Pot Duck - Economy Pack: 2 x 12kg


Barking Heads All Hounder Fuss Pot Duck is a delicious, grain-free dry dog food, made especially for dogs who enjoy fine dining! Made with 50% free-run duck, which is a novel protein source, and blended with generous portions of healthy veggies, like sweet potato, peas and carrots. This tasty recipe boasts duck fat and linseed to promote healthy skin and a shiny coat, and with the inclusion of a homemade duck gravy, this kibble entices even the most discerning palates. Barking Heads All Hounder Fuss Pot Duck is is packed with pre-biotics to support optimal digestion and absorption of wholesome goodness, and is rich in slow-release carbohydrates, which helps to properly fuel your dog's day. Barking Heads All Hounder Fuss Pot Duck is made using only the best quality, natural ingredients, so it is free from any nasty ingredients, like artificial colours, flavours and preservatives. This dry dog food is a deliciously nutritious choice for fussy eaters and we’re sure this feast will ensure your pooch's tummy is happy and their tail wagging with delight! Barking Heads All Hounder Fuss Pot Duck at a glance: Complete dry food for adult dogs Made with 50% free-run duck: a delicious and novel source of protein Blended with nutritious veggies: plus seasoned with aromatic herbs like oregano, rosemary and thyme Made with natural ingredients: we believe in the power of natural ingredients! Our recipe is crafted with only the best quality, natural ingredients and contains absolutely no artificial nasties or fillers Gentle on tummies: our grain-free recipe is specially formulated for sensitive tummies, ensuring that your dog enjoys every meal without any tummy troubles Nutrition and taste combined: this recipe boasts duck fat and linseed to promote healthy skin and a shiny coat, combined with duck gravy to entice even the most discerning palates Highly digestible: packed with pre-biotics for optimal digestion and absorption of wholesome goodness Approved by the best: our natural dog food isn't just loved by pets; expert vets also approve it! When it comes to quality and trust, we've got the stamp of approval from the ones who know best. It's a testament to our commitment to providing the best nutrition for your furry family member All Barking Heads dog food is packed full of high-quality meat, fish and other natural ingredients needed to maintain a happy, healthy dog! We have a great range of wet and dry foods to ensure your best friend has the paw-fect dinner every time.