Purizon Grain-Free 80:20:0 dry dog food at a glance: Meat and protein-rich complete dry dog food 80:20:0 recipe: min. 39% animal protein from top quality ingredients including fresh meat and fresh fish Grain-free with 20% fruit, vegetables and herbs Irresistible combination of fresh meat and fish Purizon dry dog food is is based on the natural carnivorous diet of dogs and made to a unique recipe with a balanced mix of meat and fish ingredients. All dogs, no matter what their breed or size, need a meat and protein-rich diet. Each Purizon 80:20:0 recipe is formulated to meet this dietary need and contains 80% meat fish ingredients, as well as a 20% nutrient-rich mix of fruit, vegetables and herbs. This premium, complete dog food contains 0% grain and gluten and is free from artificial preservatives and colours. It is an easy to digest meal with min. 39% animal protein and other essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals and roughage. Purizon Grain-Free 80:20:0 Economy Packs 2 x 12kg is available in the following delicious flavours: Chicken with Fish Black Angus Beef with Turkey Venison with Rabbit Lamb with Salmon Fish Large Breed Chicken with Fish Puppy Chicken with Fish Large Breed Puppy Chicken with Fish Senior Chicken with Fish Purizon: Nature is our Inspiration