Safeguarding Everyone Level 2 Refresher Training


Our Safeguarding Everyone Level 2 Refresher course has been designed for anyone who has completed the training in the past, whether through face-to-face or digital training, and is looking to update and refresh their knowledge. For those who work with children or vulnerable, there is always going to be safeguarding responsibilities, though these will vary depending on your role. Our Level 2 course is aimed at those with extra safeguarding responsibilities, but aren’t necessarily at a managerial or supervisor level. This course will explore safeguarding in light of both children and vulnerable adults and will provide insights into all the topics you need to know, including signs, symptoms and types of abuse, current legislation and guidance, and your recording and reporting responsibilities. We also offer Safeguarding Everyone Training at Level 1 and Level 3 Unsure if you require Level 1, 2 or 3 Safeguarding Everyone training? Check out our short guide to find the course that best matches your needs and requirements here.