Safeguarding Everyone Level 1 Refresher Training


Our Safeguarding Everyone Level 1 Refresher course is suitable for anyone who has previously completed this training, whether by face-to-face training or digitally, and is looking to refresh and update their knowledge. This Level 1 course is aimed at anyone who works with children or vulnerable adults, but doesn’t have many safeguarding responsibilities. It will provide you with insights into safeguarding – both children and adults – and will cover topics such as signs an symptoms of abuse, types of abuse, and what your responsibilities are when you suspect abuse, or when responding to a disclosure of abuse. We also offer Safeguarding Everyone Training at Level 2 and Level 3 Unsure if you require Level 1, 2 or 3 Safeguarding Everyone training? Check out our short guide to find the course that best matches your needs and requirements here.