Begonia Collection


A spectacular collection of our favourite begonias, carefully selected! Our Begonia Collection includes five different tuberhybrida begonia varieties that will fill your hanging baskets, patio containers, and flower pouches with glorious summer colour. Begonia tubers are so simple to grow that you'll have a show-stopping display in no time! The collection includes the following items: 'Giant Picotee Mixed' Begonia: large flowers up to 15 cm (6) across add a tropical flair to patio pots. Begonia Giant Picotee Mixed's flamboyant blooms feature layers of elaborate, ruffled petals with a picotee edge. Begonia 'Pendula': All summer long, the pendulous stems of these spectacular trailing begonias are smothered by enormous double flowers. Begonia 'Fringed (Fimbriata) Mixed'?Throughout the summer, sturdy plants produce vibrant blooms with crimped edges that resemble large carnations. These lovely fringed begonias in a variety of vibrant colours are ideal for making a striking display in beds, window boxes, and patio containers. Begonia 'Non-Stop Mixed': Fully double flowers in a rainbow of colours contrast sharply with the rich, chocolate-colored foliage. Begonia 'Non-Stop' is one of the best begonias for continuous summer flowering, as the name suggests. Begonia 'Apricot Shades Improved': Begonia 'Apricot Shades' is both beautiful and versatile! From July to October, large, cascading, double blooms will pour from your containers. All summer and well into autumn, you'll be able to enjoy gorgeous flowers in apricot and orange that reach 6?10 cm (2.5?4) in diameter. These tuberous begonias will thrive in any weather and can be grown in full sun or partial shade.