This Bumper Autumn Planting Onion/Garlic/Shallot Collection comprises a versatile mix of red, white and shallot onions as well as softneck and hardneck garlic. Simple to grow and guaranteed to keep your kitchen cupboards fully stocked with these culinary staples throughout summer and winter. The collection comprises: Onion ?Electric? - An overwintering variety producing shiny, red skinned, semi globe-shaped bulbs with crisp, pink-tinged flesh (250g). Onion ?Autumn Champion? - One of the best performers for autumn planting, golden skinned onions with excellent flavour. (250g). Shallot ?Griselle? - Distinctly spicy flavour and ideal for pickling as well as cooking (500g). Shallot ?Longor? - A French type producing the longest bulbs we have seen (400g). Garlic Germidour (Softneck) - Well-known and reliable, from French production that is well adapted to British conditions (2 bulbs). Garlic Kingsland Wight (Hardneck) - A perfectly formed, white skinned bulb with pink cloves (2 bulbs).