Almo Nature Adult Holistic Maintenance - Oily Fish Rice is a balanced complete dry cat food full of flavour and highly digestible. This recipe contains high-quality meat and fish, with 26% coming from freshly caught fish to provide valuable unsaturated fatty acids and protein. This food has been gently prepared and preserved, making it well-accepted and highly nutritious, meeting all of your cat's natural needs. This species-appropriate food is ideal for all breeds. The natural, digestible recipe of Almo Nature Adult Holistic Maintenance - Oily Fish Rice contains a mixture of grains, rice, vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients. FOS and MOS encourage a healthy, balanced gut flora, while biotin supports healthy skin and glossy, soft fur. Almo Nature Holistic is free from artificial additives such as preservatives, colours and flavours. Almo Nature Adult Holistic Maintenance - Oily Fish Rice at a glance: Holistic complete dry food for adult cats. High fish content: with 26% freshly-caught fish Fresh and natural: gently prepared and naturally preserved, free from chemical handling and full of nutrients Enticing flavour: extremely well-accepted thanks to its high meat content and species-appropriate recipe Particularly easy to digest: gently steam-cooked and rich in easy-to-digest rice to increase digestibility With MOS FOS: to support a balanced intestinal flora Balanced recipe: with grains as well as valuable vitamins and minerals Contains taurine to support vital eye, brain and nerve function Rich in biotin: for healthy skin and gleaming coat Free from artificial preservatives, attractants and colours