This innovative self-inflating flood defence system can be stored in a box and can be deployed in minutes to protect businesses or homes from flood water. The FloodSax consists of a semi-porous inner liner, which contains hundreds of absorbent crystals which absorb water to 90% capacity within 3 minutes during deployment, acting like sandbags to keep floods at bay. FloodSax when deployed are designed so they mould into doorways to keep flood waters out FloodSax can be placed down the toilet to contain overflow and dirty water FloodSax absorb water to 90% capacity in just 3 minutes FloodSax are lightweight at just 0.2kg when dry FloodSax expand evenly and can be expanded in water in the bath, a sink, a bucket or even the flood water prior to deployment FloodSax are easy to store, an alternative to sandbags and will last for up to 5 years in storage FloodSax are clean and self contained so are ideal for leaks and spills indoors as well as outside FloodSax are 96% biodegradable by weight FloodSax Are now bio based packaging.