James Wellbeloved Adult Dog Hypoallergenic Turkey Rice is a healthy, complete dog food made with delicious turkey and wholesome rice and oats. This hypo-allergenic dry food contains no beef, pork, wheat or wheat gluten. It is made without dairy products and egg and has only a single source of animal protein and selected carbohydrate sources. It is free from many of the ingredients which can cause adverse food reactions so it is suitable for dogs with food intolerances or sensitive digestive systems. James Wellbeloved Adult Dog Hypoallergenic Turkey Rice is a balanced dog food made with specially selected natural, wholesome ingredients to provide your pet with nutritional goodness: Turkey: A single source of protein that is gentle on the stomach and easy to digest Rice and oats: A source of dietary fibre and digestible carbohydrates that are gentle on the stomach Natural seaweed: Rich in iodine and valuable trace elements, it also contains natural gums which can help aid the digestive process Alfalfa: A good source of natural beta-carotene antioxidant, it also provides essential trace minerals Sugar Beet: A natural source of dietary fibre which helps to keep the digestive system healthy and working well Yucca Extract: Reduces stool odour Whole linseed: Rich in omega fatty acids which help to keep your pet's coat soft and glossy Hypo-allergenic: Only one source of animal protein. Excludes the most common causes of adverse food reactions. No beef, pork, soya, wheat, wheat gluten, dairy or eggs Free from: Artificial preservatives, colours or taste enhancers, no bulking ingredients Made in UK James Wellbeloved avoids using many of the ingredients renowned for causing food intolerances. This means James Wellbeloved cat and dog food and treats do not contain beef, pork, wheat or wheat gluten, dairy products, eggs or soya. WHY IS A NATURAL DIET A GREAT CHOICE FOR MY DOG? Inspired by nature, our wholesome, tasty recipes will keep your dog full of energy and loving life for years to come. And while you can feel good about giving them nature's best, they'll enjoy: Feeling fuelled and energised A gorgeous, glossy coat Healthy, nourished skin Support for the immune system Settled tummies and firmer poos Being at their best by being a healthy weight WHY IS JAMES WELLBELOVED THE BEST DOG FOOD FOR MY DOG? James Wellbeloved sees pet nutrition differently than other brands. We believe that the foundation of good health can be found in nature and a hypoallergenic diet. That's why we make our food with high-quality ingredients full of natural goodness and always exclude artificial additives. Furthermore, our food is hypoallergenic to help support pets with food allergies and intolerances, as well as those with sensitive skin and digestion more generally. That means we always exclude common allergens (beef, pork, soya, eggs, dairy and wheat) and only ever use one animal protein per recipe so you can be sure to find a recipe that agrees with them. DO I NEED TO BUY WET DOG FOOD AS WELL AS DRY? Our dry dog food is complete and balanced, so there is no need to add wet, however your day may prefer the addition of our wet food. So feel free to mix them together to add to their enjoyment. For advice on what quantities to feed them, see our feeding guides. DO YOU MAKE PUPPY FOOD? Of course - we believe a naturally healthy diet should start as early as possible. Our puppy food is nutritionally balanced and is gentle on their developing digestion. And we have both grain-free and rice-based recipes so you can choose the best food to suit your puppy. IS THERE A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ALLERGIES AND FOOD INTOLERANCE IN DOGS? Both dogs and cats can react badly to ingredients in their food, but only some are allergic reactions. In an allergic reaction the food triggers the body's immune response system sometimes resulting in symptoms such as itchy skin and upset tummies. But some dogs and cats can have adverse food reactions not caused by an immune response that can also lead to the same symptoms. HOW DOES HOMEMADE FOOD COMPARE TO JAMES WELLBELOVED DOG FOOD? James Wellbeloved food is complete and balanced and contains all the nutrients your pet needs to thrive. It has been carefully prepared and cooked in our own factory and then tested to ensure it is safe for your pet. Many owners feed table scraps but these shouldn't exceed 5% of the pet's daily calorie intake. CAN I SWITCH MY DOG TO JAMES WELLBELOVED DRY DOG FOOD STRAIGHTAWAY? Your dog's digestive system isn't as quick as yours at adapting when switching diets. So, to avoid them getting an upset tummy we recommend gradually introducing James Wellbeloved or any new food slowly over the course of 5-7 days. We suggest: 25% new diet with 75% of the previous diet for 2-3 days 50% new diet with 50% of the previous diet for 2-3 days 75% new diet with 25% of the previous diet for 2-3 days 100% new diet Don't forget, you can still give them our wet dog food as well to add to their enjoyment.