Arbutus unedo


This eye-catching shrub is an excellent focal point for year-round interest. In autumn, its leathery, evergreen foliage and peeling, cinnamon brown bark provide an excellent backdrop for clusters of small, white, urn-shaped flowers. The delicate blooms give way to scarlet red fruits that do not fully ripen until the following year, when a set of flowers blooms. When eaten raw, the edible fruits of Arbutus unedo have a sharp aftertaste, but they can be made into jams and preserves for a sweeter, guava-like flavour. This tidy, compact variety makes an excellent specimen shrub for a sheltered location. Although Arbutus trees are completely hardy once mature, they will benefit from a layer of fleece for winter protection when they are young. This plant is ideal for coastal gardens and sheltered woodland areas. Height and spread up to: 8m (25').