Nemasys Grow Your Own Multiple Pest Killer is a natural pest management that works quickly and effectively and adheres to organic practises. It contains a unique mixture of nematodes that attack several different common garden pests. Nemasys Natural Fruit and Veggie Protection is easy to use and harmless to bees, earthworms, pets, and wildlife. This non-chemical insecticide eliminates cutworms, thrips, leatherjackets, gooseberry sawflies, onion flies, cabbage flies, sciarid flies, caterpillars, and carrot root flies. During the pests' active season, which lasts from spring to October, the nematodes prey on the animals. Up to 60m2 can be treated with just one pack. The pack contains living organisms and should be kept refrigerated on arrival and used before the expiry date, approximately 3 to 4 weeks from the date of despatch. Please allow 7?10 days for delivery. Please note that this item is not available to customers living in Eire.