Arrow FilmsLoosely based on real-life events, this harrowing psychological thriller from Australianwriter-director Ben Young is set to join the likes of The Silence of the Lambs as one ofthe most gruelling serial killer movies ever realised.In 1980s Perth, Australia, a depraved couple are abducting and murdering young girls.When seventeen-year-old Vicki Maloney accepts a ride from the duo late one night, shefinds herself catapulted into a nightmare beyond her imagining.Bolstered by astonishing performances from its three main leads, Hounds of Love isbold and powerful piece of filmmaking which proves that Australian genre cinema is aliveand well.Special Features High Definition Blu-ray (1080p) presentation Original 5.1 audio Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing Interviews with actors Stephen Curry, Emma Booth and Ashleigh Cummings Behind-the-Scenes Two short films from Hounds of Love director Ben Young: 'Something Fishy' (2010) and 'Bush Basher' (2011) John Butler Trio Only One music video, directed by Ben Young Trailer Reversible sleeve featuring two artwork options